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Keystone Resource Development
Offering Technical, Financial and Strategic Insight into your mining business
Resource Services Resource Funding
Welcome to
Keystone Resource Development
Offering Technical, Financial and Strategic Insight into your mining business
Resource SErvices Resource Funding

Keystone Experience


Mike Rosenstreich is the Principal Consultant of Keystone: A pragmatic international mining executive offering 30 years’ experience as a geologist, corporate and technical manager and merchant banker


“My background demonstrates positive contributions in both technical and commercial roles. As an experienced mining executive I offer sound leadership, technical, corporate and financial skills tempered and tested through times of great success and also adversity. This highlights an energetic and tenacious personality underpinned by a reputation of intelligence, integrity, pragmatism and hopefully a dose of humour, working in and establishing a collegial corporate culture. My goal is utilise these skills and experience to service Keystone’s clients to identify, evaluate and develop mineral projects contribute to the growth of sustainable mining based businesses to meet client objectives.”

Key Attributes

  • Sound corporate and commercial acumen reflecting a wide breadth of international experience filling a variety of roles including, corporate management, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity financings, financial work-outs and investor/stakeholder communications.
  • Strong mining related technical skills as a geologist involved in mining/processing, exploration and project development as an employee, an “owner”, a consultant and financier.
  • Effective leadership and communication skills to achieve active engagement and collaboration via a consultative approach with clear written and verbal communication skills.

Professional Experience

  • 13 years as an exploration and mine geologist mainly with Homestake Gold & Dominion Mining;
  • 6 years as a resource financier with NM Rothschild & Sons;
  • 2 years technical consultant with Snowden and independently;
  • 9 years as founding Managing Director of ASX listed Bass Metals from pre IPO stage, exploration success and over 5 years of base and precious metals production; and
  • Since late 2013, as Principal of Keystone providing corporate, technical and funding advice to mining and exploration companies and financing groups.


  • 1996 - Master’s Degree in Mineral and Energy Economics, Macquarie University
  • 1984 - Bachelor of Science with Honours in Geology, Otago University, New Zealand


Professional Affiliations

  • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM)