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Keystone Resource Development
Contributing Technical, Financial and Strategic Insights to Develop Your Mininerals Business
Welcome to
Keystone Resource Development
Contributing Technical, Financial and Strategic Insights to Develop Your Mininerals Business

meet Keystone's principal


Mike Rosenstreich is the Principal Consultant at Keystone: he is an experienced international mining and finance executive offering ~40 years’ experience as a geologist, technical manager, merchant banker and ASX Director.


My background demonstrates positive progression in technical, commercial and corporate roles which I am now leveraging to focus on Keystone and it's clients.  As an experienced mining executive and ASX Director and Chair, I offer my clients sound leadership, technical, corporate and financial skills tempered and tested through times of great success and also adversity.  Enabled by an energetic and tenacious personality, underpinned by a reputation of intelligence, integrity, an 'eye for detail'  and hopefully a generous dose of humour and humility, to deliver the results and solutions agreed with my clients.

Key Attributes

  • Sound corporate and commercial acumen reflecting a wide breadth of international experience filling a variety of roles including, corporate management, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity financings, financial work-outs and investor/stakeholder communications.
  • Strong mining related technical skills as a geologist involved in mining/processing, exploration and project development as an employee, an “owner”, a consultant and financier.
  • Effective leadership and communication skills to achieve active engagement and collaboration via a consultative approach with clear written and verbal communication skills.

Full Profile on LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikerosenstreich/